вторник, 2 мая 2017 г.

Здравствуйте! Пришло время последнего сообщения в блог о практике во Франции.

Начну с прошлых выходных (21-23 апреля). Мы с Денисом смогли-таки поехать в Амстердам.

Поездка была незабываемой! Мы прошлись по улице красных фонарей, попробовали "травку", побывали в музее Мадам Тюссо, а также в музее "Body Worlds". Также прогулялись по всем известному цветочному рынку, купили экскурсию по каналам города, в котором можно все! Вернулись домой без происшествий.

Последняя неделя прошла успешно. В субботу мы поехали в Париж, в аэропорт. Приехали домой на 7 с половиной часов позже из-за погодных условий в Таллинне, но это не испортило впечатлений от поездки, которая была незабываемой.

Теперь я буду стараться еще больше, чтобы мне выпала еще одна возможность поехать по данной (или другим) программе в любую другую страну.

Большое спасибо за то, что выбрали именно меня!

суббота, 22 апреля 2017 г.

четверг, 20 апреля 2017 г.

Hello, me, Daniil and Jegor was in Paris. It was awesome trip! First we went to the station Lille Europe, where we were supposed to take the bus to Paris. Not without adventure! Our bus was leaving at 6:30 in the morning, so we were at the metro already at 5:45, but we were waiting for a surprise - the metro was closed. We already thought to go on foot to the station, but we did not know how to get there, because we did not take the map with us, but we were lucky, a French girl helped us to call a taxi and we successfully reached our destination and started off. When we come to Paris we walked around the city, took many photos of the Parisian sights. We visited the Louvre, although there was a big queue, but since we are students - free entrance, which influenced the decision to wait! Also we got to Paris on Easter, why in the Champs-Elysées was a steep festival with different music and colorfest! After walking we bought some souvenirs and returned to the station.

Yestarday we was in Belgium, we visited some shops, bought chocolate, because it cheaper than in France.

Hello. Yesterday after work we visited Belgium. There we walked and visited some shops. Today on work I learned new fish dish. 

понедельник, 17 апреля 2017 г.

Yesterday we went to Paris.The city really beautiful,all day we walked and looked at the showplaces of the city. After we reached the station by bus, we immediately took the metro and went to the "Tour Eiffel", which made a lot of good photos, then I and the guys Visited the museum "louvre", in which they saw very beautiful as well as interesting paintings and various statues. We also visited the very center of the city in which the festival was held in honor of Easter. This festival was very crowded, contests were held, and Also on stage performed Different singers and musicians. By the evening we had a ride on the Ferris wheel and bought some souvenirs. In the evening we returned to the bus station, waited for the bus, and back to Lille. For this day I received a lot of joyful emotions, learned more about the French and Their culture.